PEO 1: Graduate shall be an efficient Software Developer in diverse fields and will be a Successful Professional or pursue Higher Studies.
PEO 2: Graduate shall be a Lifetime Learner, Capable to adapt to new computing technology.
PEO 3: Graduate shall work productively exhibiting ethical qualities for the betterment of Society.
PEO 4: Graduate shall possess effective Leadership and Communication Skills to work harmoniously with the team to achieve set goals.
The program is targeted at developing the following competencies, skills and abilities amongst students:
PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering to give the solution for Complex Engineering Problems.
PO2: An ability to analyze and interpet data to design Efficient Algorithms.
PO3: An ability to design a System, Component or Process to meet desired needs within various realistic constraints of socio-economic sustainability.
PO4: An ability to use research-based knowledge and research methods, including design,analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions to complex problems.
PO5: An ability to use the Techniques, Skills and Modern Engineering Tools necessary for engineering practice.
PO6: An ability to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: An ability to obtain broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
PO8: An ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility while performing the job responsibilities.
PO9: An ability to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams efficiently.
PO10: An ability to communicate effectively to ascertain best results.
PO11: An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles to one's own work as a member and leader in a team to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
P012: An ability to recognize the need for and ability to engage in Continual Learning.