1 Wavelet Analysis- Singular Value Decomposition Based Method for Precise Fault Localization in Power Edit     Delete
2 "Battery and Supercapacitor FED BLDC Motor for EV Applications," 2024 2nd World Conference on Commun Edit     Delete
3 Electric Vehicle to Grid Reactive Power Control Using CPIC Technique," 2024 IEEE Third International Edit     Delete
4 "A Graph Theory Based Optimal Placement of SFCL in Distribution System to Limit Fault Current," 2024 Edit     Delete
5 "A modified ANFIS controlled Unified Power Flow Controller for Power Quality Improvement in Transmis Edit     Delete
6 “PQD's Detection and Classification Under Normal and Noisy Conditions Based on RADWT & SVM Based T Edit     Delete
7 “A Comparative Technique to detect and classify Power Quality Disturbances with Noise Signals”- Edit     Delete
8 “Fault Diagnosis in PV system using DWT and Ensembled k-NN Machine Learning Classifier” -2022. Edit     Delete
9 “Stockwell Transform and Data Mining based Fault Diagnosis Method to protect Microgrid” -2022. Edit     Delete
10 Detecting the Change in Microgrid Using Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning – 2022. Edit     Delete
11 Fault Detection in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid by Using DTCWT and KNN-Based Classifier-2022. Edit     Delete
12 “A Novel Graph Search and Machine Learning Method to detect and Locate high impedance fault zone i Edit     Delete
13 ''The presence of PV Module and ESD by DTCWT–Support Vector Machine Algorithm using optimally plac Edit     Delete
14 “Stockwell Transform & Data Mining based method for Fault detection and classification in PV Array Edit     Delete
15 “Tunable Q-Wavelet Transform Based Entropy Measurement to Detect and Classify Faults in CERTS Micr Edit     Delete
16 Artificial Intelligence in Classifying High Impedance Faults in Electrical Power Distribution System Edit     Delete
17 “Phishing Detection System through Hybrid Machine Learning Based on URL,” Edit     Delete