3.4 - Research Publications and Awards Sub Categories
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1 Patents 7 Add Edit    
2 3.4.6-Bibliometrics of the publications during the year based on Scopus/Web of Science-h-Index of the University 6 Add Edit    
3 3.4.5-Bibliometrics of the publications during the year based on average Citation Index in Scopus/Web of Science/PubMed 5 Add Edit    
4 3.4.4 - Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published per teacher during the year 4 Add Edit    
5 3.4.3 - Number of research papers per teacher in CARE Journals notified on UGC website during the year 3 Add Edit    
6 3.4.2 - Number of PhD candidates registered per teacher(as per the data given with regard to recognized PhD guides/supervisors provided in Metric No.3.2.3)during the year 2 Add Edit    
7 3.4.1 - The Institution ensures implementation of its Code of Ethics for Research uploaded in the website through the following: Research Advisory Committee Ethics Committee Inclusion of Research Ethics in the research methodology course work plagiarism c 1 Add Edit