Industry-institute interaction (I-I-I) is the most preferred activity for mutual benefit and growth of industries as well as institutions. DIET provides the best platform for showcasing the best practices, latest technological advancements, and their implementation and impact on the industry. Also, DIET I-I-I promotes industry experts to participate in curriculum design which plays a significant role in preparing the students ready for the industry. Through I-I-I, industries can participate in technical education programs and cross-fertilize ideas for systems improvement. Teaching-learning processes can be improved by integrating industrial training to the students which also provides an exposure of the corporate world. Students should be encouraged to undertake the final year projects in the industry with a joint supervisor from the industry. DIET I-I-I promotes development of entrepreneurs which further leads to rapid industrialization and hence improved well-being of a country. I-I-I can also increase the research and development activities in both industries as well as institutions which further leads the nation to grow technologically and socio-economically.
Activities under Industry-Institute Interaction Cell: